My Computer Science Superheroes

Vinton Cerf

Vinton Cerf was born on June 23, 1943 in New Haven, Connecticut. He attended Stanford University where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. After Stanford, he worked at IBM for two years before he went back to school at UCLA. While at UCLA he received his M.S and Ph.D. in Computer Science. Vinton is known is known as a "Father of the Internet" and has many contributions to computer science. His major contributions are the designing of the TCP/IP protocols.


Timothy Berners-Lee

Timothy Berners-Lee was born in London on June 8th, 1955. He attended college at Oxford University at Queen's College where he earned his first class degree in physics in 1976. His biggest contribution to the field of computer science was the invention of the world wide web in 1989. He also created the first web web client and server in 1990. Another contribution was Timothy, with the help of Vinton Cerf, created the first commercial internet "email" system. Through this, messages could be sent to anyone with an email address. In 2009, Timothy was recruited by the UK prime minister to help make data more accessible while online. He is currently still alive.


Marc Regis Hannah

Marc Regis Hannah was born on October 13, 1956, in Chicago Illinois, and is still alive today. He attended the Ilinois Institute of Technology, with a scholarship from AT&T's Bell Laboratories. He also received a degree in electrical engineering in 1977 before going to Stanford Unversity where he earned his Ph.D. degree in 1985. He spent 16 years at a company developing it from a small start-up to a multibillion-dollar computer hardware and software company with products from desktop workstations to large, multiprocessor supercomputers. He also cofounded the company that would become famous for its computer graphics technology in CGI. His company worked on graphic special effects in movies like Jurassic Park, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. CGI has changed the entire computer industry adding special effects and major details to graphics we see on a daily basis, from ads, to movies its everywhere. I found it interesting to learn that Mr. Hannah was one of the cofounders of the company that founded and does CGI on major well known movies, I didn’t realize that CGI was so large and used so often that it requires an entire separate company to work on it. I didn’t know that CGI is that big in the computer industry.
